the heart tag
>> Wednesday, April 15
I got tag by the every busy Mommy Ruby who, despite all the work she needs to do, finds time to plurk, twitter, do memes and be a full time mom.. :) Kudos to you Mommy Rubs!
The rule of this tag is to answer the questions below:
A# Attached or Single? Single with attachments.. LOL
B# Best Friend? best friends.. :)
C# Cake or Pie? cake!
D# Day of Choice? Friday
E# Essential Item? Phone.. :)
F# Favorite Color? Blue!
G# Gummy Bears or Worms? neither..
H# Hometown? Dumaguete City
I# Favorite Indulgence? Ice cream!
J# January or July? July
K# Kids? two doggies! :D
L# Life isn’t complete without….? God! <<>
M# Marriage date? indefinite.. LOL
N# Number of magazine subscriptions? nada!
O# Oranges or Apples? Apples!
P# Phobias? Lizards! eeeeeewwwwww!!!!
Q# Quotes? ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
R# Reasons to smile? family and friends
S# Season of choice? winter.. :)
T# Tag five people. I’m tagging Lurchie, Zr, Tita Ebie, Rhardo, uhmmm... let me think who else?
U# Unknown fact about me? I love to cook! (most friends don't know that I love to cook)
V# Vegetable? uhmmmm... eh.. next question please!
W# Worst habit? is stubbornes a habit? :P
X# X-Ray or Ultrasound? im not sure...
Y# Your favorite foods? Pizza and Pasta, Ice cream, Cake, Brownies, and a whole lot more!!
Z# Zodiac sign? Taurus!