Happy New Year!

>> Wednesday, December 31

Only a few more minutes and 2009 is here!!

Looking back, this year has been a stepping stone to a new life for me. I won't go into details as to what those changes are but these changes made me somehow wiser and more mature in so many ways, and not to mention stronger.

This year was a bit scary for me. I had to make important decisions that could change the my life's course. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but in the end, I gained so much more. I'm not making any resolutions because I believe if I want to make positive changes, I don't have to make a list to help me keep track of them. I'll face those negative aspects in my life one at a time and pray to God that I won't go astray.

So now let me say goodbye to 2008 and welcome anything that's in store for me in 2009... Have a blessed new year everyone!


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