Yesterday's scare, Today's News

>> Thursday, July 17

Ok so I'm gonna make this quick 'cause I still truckloads of work to do.. Anyway, Lurchie and I went to the SUMC yesterday to visit our friend's sister who just gave birth to a healthy baby boy (Congrats Micai!). So.. we just walked in going there to get some exercise (plus motorcab fare is just so expensive!). When we were in front of the hospital, something made me look our ultimate horror, a room on the third floor was on fire!! Don't believe me? Here's a pic I took!

Lurchie immediately called Xsis (that's our friend whose sis just gave birth) to tell her to get out 'cause there's a fire. Her reaction?! "Sagad! wla oi!" She didn't believe us (hmph!). I think the fire started somewhere in the Air Condition, some electricity stuff.. I'm not sure of the details..

Thankfully it was put out right away! And nobody got hurt. Oh wait that's wrong (somehow a fireman fell down or something and was brought to the ER). shesh! Hope nothing serious...


Zeee July 17, 2008 at 5:47 PM  

good grief! and I used to "intern" there! errrmmmm need to revamp the air conditioner na!

oii congrats micai! xsis IMed me ganina...hehehehe

hope I'll be next!

Deranged Insanity
Traipsey Turvey

Zeee July 17, 2008 at 6:19 PM  

hi sweetie! tagged you here

Deranged Insanity
Traipsey Turvey

Mercedes July 17, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

WOW! Glad most everyone was ok-hope the firefighter will be ok!

shenzee July 18, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

Yeah.. nobody got seriously hurt.. Thank God...

Zeee July 22, 2008 at 4:26 PM  

dem crazy fire fighters...and no one is even HOT! bwaahahahaha

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